السبت، 23 فبراير 2013

ما أشبه البارحة باليوم!

في تلك اللحظات رجعت بي الذكريات سريعا إلى الوراء. فعلى أنغام الموسيقى العربية دخلت الصف مع صديقاتي مرتديات ثيابا عربية لنمثل شخصيات إسلامية. مر أمامي شريط ذكريات مليء بمشاهد تمثيلية رائعة وأداء مميز! وكأن أقدامي لم تفارق خشبة مسرح مدرستي. وكأن تصفيق اليوم امتداد لتصفيق الأمس.
 وفجأة توقف هذا التصفيق، وأدركت أنه حان دوري لتمثيل شخصية ابن خلدون.... 
.لكن لا أخفيكم سرا أن دموعي تساقطت شوقا لتلك الأيام

الثلاثاء، 6 ديسمبر 2011

The Bobo Doll experiment

The Bobo Doll experiment was designed by Albert Bandura who studied behavior and aggression. He proved that children can copy an adult role model’s behavior. He put aggressive and non-aggressive actors and showed us how children imitate and learn from the behavior of the adults (actors). The result was that children who exposed to the aggressive model were more aggressive than those who were not exposed to the aggressive model. Also, the experiment is the origin of the Modeling Theory (observation) because both talk about copying and imitating other models or actors.

الاثنين، 5 ديسمبر 2011

The Modeling Theory

The Modeling Theory says that people are influenced by a model (other people). The theory operates in three steps. First the boys observe the model. Then they imitate the model’s actions. After that they get a consequence which sometimes it be positive or negative. From the observation of others, we learn what, when and how to do certain behaviors. After we observe the model, then we then imitate. After that when we get in a similar situation in the future that we had observed before, we behave the same behaviors that the model behaved before.

الاثنين، 28 نوفمبر 2011

The Agenda setting Theory


The Agenda setting Theory was introduced by Maxwell McCombs and Donald 1972. It describes a very powerful influence of the media and the ability to tell people what issues are important and what is considers newsworthy. The way they place the news or a story on a newspaper is related to the belief of people about what is important. If people saw at the first page of a something about the world cup they would think it is important even if there is an earthquake which is more important.  Agenda-setting theory is salience transfer which is the ability of the news media to transfer issues of importance from their news media to public agendas.


lobbyists are active people usually paid by an interest group to promote their positions to legislatures and  influence their decisions.The word lobbyist comes from the chambers in which the act of lobbying usually takes place, near legislative bodies, for instance, or even the lobby of hotels where important people are staying. A lobbyist can change public opinion through advertising campaigns or by influencing 'opinion leaders' and changing his or her employer desires. Because lobbyists are important and have a big role, Kai Ryssdal &E spent $700,000 on lobbyists last year.

The Long Tail Thoery

The Long Tail Thoery was first introduced by Chris Anderson, an editor-in-chief of Wired Magazine, in October 2004. Then it  became a book on July 11, 2006. The Theory arges  that economey is shifting away from small number  and focusing on huge numbers and audiences. In fact, there is a significant value in niche audiences. For instance, Amazon.com and Netflix are businesses applying this strategy. Also, Fatafeat is a successful channel which shows how niche audenice have a big value. The Long Tail concept has found some ground for application, research, and experimentation. The term is used in mass media, social network, business, finance, economic models and marketing.

الأحد، 27 نوفمبر 2011

Citizen journalism also known as street journalism who are members of the public play an important role in collecting and reporting news and information. Also it is practiced by professional and non-professional journalists. Authors Bowman and Willis say: "The intent of this participation is to provide independent, reliable, accurate, wide-ranging and relevant information that a democracy requires." Actually, the role of Citizen Journalism is very significant especially in this period of revolutions. If we don’t have Citizen Journalism, we wouldn’t be able to know what is happening in Syria and other countries since there is no freedom of speech.